Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is a non-inflammatory disease of the knee, in which blood circulation is disturbed in the cartilage tissue. This disease is also called osteoarthritis of the knee. This type of arthrosis occupies one of the first places among others.
Etiology and pathogenesis

So what is gonarthrosis? These are degenerative changes in the cartilage that covers the joint. Arthrosis of the knee has been known for over a hundred years. In cartilage, due to osmotic pressure, metabolic processes occur. If the cartilage is compressed, a lubricant is released, and then it is absorbed. Thus, the cartilage is constantly nourished. With constant excessive loads, this process is disrupted, and the cartilage becomes thin. The state of the collagen fibers that make up the cartilage is disturbed, the cartilage tissue is no longer so elastic.
Because the bones rub against each other when walking (cartilage does not soften friction), bony outgrowths or spikes appear. As a result of such changes, the growth of osteophytes occurs. These are growths of a dense structure of bone tissue. In addition, the synovium becomes irritated and becomes inflamed. All this leads to limited mobility of the limb.
Most often, arthrosis of the inner part of the knee occurs. Moreover, people of mature and old age are susceptible to the disease, but the disease can also occur in young people, in particular, in athletes.
Poor blood supply leads to abrasion of the cartilage, exposing the bone inside the joint. And the entire joint is deformed, that is, deforming arthrosis of the knee occurs.
Causes and classification of the disease

The disease is divided into types according to etiology: primary and secondary gonarthrosis. Primary gonarthrosis or idiopathic occurs against the background of complete well-being. It usually occurs in older people, mainly in women. Secondary develops after knee grass or infectious disease. Post-traumatic gonarthrosis can be avoided if inflammation or damage to the knee is removed in time.
Different types of arthrosis of the knee joint are also divided according to localization:
- Right-sided gonarthrosis - this type affects only the right joint, people who play sports suffer from this arthrosis more often.
- Left-sided gonarthrosis - the left joint is affected accordingly.
- Bilateral gonarthrosis - both joints are destroyed, the most severe type of disease, people over fifty and older are susceptible to it.
All these species almost do not differ from each other in the course of the disease (that is, clicks and pain are always present). But bilateral gonarthrosis is usually more pronounced, because two joints are concerned. In addition, any type of this disease, if the form is running, will be more pronounced and the pain will be more severe. To imagine what this disease looks like, it is better to look at the photo.
Interesting! Of all diseases that affect the knee, arthrosis occurs in 53% of cases. I mean, that's more than half.
Why does this disease occur? Here are the main reasons for the development of this disorder:
- metabolic disorder;
- hormonal disbalance;
- endocrine disorders;
- increased fragility of capillaries;
- overload and injury;
- heredity and congenital anomalies;
- inflammatory diseases.
Being overweight is considered to be the main risk factor.
Degrees of gonarthrosis of the knee joint
There are different degrees of gonarthrosis. There are three of them, of course, the first degree is the initial one and it is weakly manifested, and the last degree is a serious deformity of the joints. In the first degree of the disease, it may not be noticed, but later the treatment will be difficult, so you should carefully monitor the symptoms:
- The first degree of the disease is characterized by slight discomfort, fatigue. Sometimes there may be a restriction of movement, but very slight. At this stage, the joint is not yet deformed, but a slight narrowing of the joint gap can be seen on the x-ray.
- The second degree is manifested by more pronounced pain, especially after walking. When changing the position of the joint, there is a crunch and clicks. At this degree, atrophy of the thigh muscle can occur, and the angle of full flexion of the leg is significantly limited. On x-rays, you can see the growth of osteophytes and flattening of the bones.
- In the third degree, severe pain occurs, swelling may appear. Since the osteophytes can break off, it may feel like the joint is blocked. This is a sharp pain and the inability to move independently. As for the X-ray images, deformation, changes in the joint and bones of the leg are visible.
At the last stage of the disease, it will take a long time to treat the joint, and it will not be possible to completely cure it.
Symptoms of gonarthrosis
How can gonarthrosis of the knee be recognized? Symptoms of the disease are varied, but the main symptom is pain. At first, it can be very weak and irregular, but over time, the discomfort increases, there are problems with walking, because after a long activity, not only fatigue occurs, but also pain.
Symptoms of the disease increase gradually, starting with mild discomfort and weakness in the legs. Here are the main symptoms of knee osteoarthritis:
- tightness is felt under the knee;
- excessive fatigue after walking;
- aching and sharp pains after activity;
- discomfort after sleep;
- crunching and clicking when bending the knee;
- limb edema;
- impaired mobility of the joint;
- lameness.
Sometimes gonarthrosis is complicated by synovitis. Synovitis is an inflammation of the lining of a joint. Already at the first stage of arthrosis, this complication may occur. But most of the time it goes away without treatment. And gonarthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree can be complicated not only by synovitis, but also by Baker's cyst. The pain in this case becomes very strong and tormented even at rest.
Fact! The most common is post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee. It does not occur immediately, but gradually, with regular physical overload. Post-traumatic arthrosis is felt at first as simple fatigue, and only with time pain can occur.
Treatment Methods

Gonarthrosis is an incurable disease, whether it is unilateral or bilateral gonarthrosis. It is impossible to return the joint to a completely healthy state. However, treatment must be carried out, it will help remove severe pain and slow down the destruction of the joint. In addition, it is important to follow a diet. Folk methods are also useful. There are several types of treatment for this disease.
Here are the main methods that are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee:
- The use of drugs - tablets, injections and ointments.
- Physiotherapy - various physiotherapy procedures.
- Therapeutic physical training and massage are mandatory methods for treatment and rehabilitation.
Therapeutic and preventive gymnastics is an obligatory component of therapy. Without regular exercise, it is impossible to restore the composition and remove pain, especially for such a form as bilateral arthrosis (it can lead to disability). Proper physical activity will help to cope with the disease faster. But you can perform exercises only under the guidance of an experienced trainer, so as not to worsen the condition.
Medical therapy
What drugs are used as the main treatment? Drug therapy involves the use of the following types of drugs:
- Painkillers and anti-inflammatory - remove pain, swelling and relieve redness.
- Chondroprotectors are agents that help restore cartilage tissue.
- Medicines to be injected into the joint that relieve inflammation.
- Means with hyaluronic acid, they are also injected into the joint when the inflammation goes away.
The specialist usually prescribes external agents that help remove unpleasant symptoms. Most often these are gels and ointments with a warming effect. They improve blood circulation. You can lubricate the affected joint a couple of times a day, according to the instructions. You can apply gels and ointments in a thin layer, sometimes you need to lightly lubricate, and sometimes rub well.
What else is used to relieve pain and improve blood circulation in arthrosis? The doctor may prescribe warming compresses with Dimexide or medical bile. In addition, during illness, a remedy is often used based on an extract from avocado and soy. But treatment with this drug is long - at least six months.
Manual therapy and physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is an effective way to treat gonarthrosis. Procedures improve blood circulation, help slow down the process of destruction. These procedures are especially good for post-traumatic arthrosis. What is usually prescribed for arthritis? These are the procedures:
- magnetotherapy;
- cryotherapy;
- laser treatment;
- UFO;
- UHF;
- paraffin applications;
- electrophoresis with novocaine;
- diadynamic currents.
With regard to manual therapy, it alleviates the patient's condition and prevents the destruction of cartilage. Here are the main goals pursued by such therapy:
- restore knee function;
- facilitate general well-being;
- reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease;
- activate blood flow;
- help the joint recover.
It is advisable to massage after exercise therapy, when the muscles are warmed up.
There are several methods of manual therapy:
- Swedish - the uniqueness of the method lies in the combination of joint movements with rubbing.
- Oriental - normalizes blood circulation.
- Finnish - similar to Swedish, but differs in the intensity of the impact and the direction of the movements.
Which method to choose should be decided by the chiropractor, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. There should be no pain during the session. If discomfort appears, this indicates an insufficiently qualified specialist, so you should immediately stop the session, otherwise the condition may worsen.
Nuance! During such therapy, not only the damaged area is massaged, but also the tissues around it.
Folk methods of treatment of gonarthrosis

In folk medicine, various ointments and compresses are used. But you can also use some internal means. You can pick up several effective recipes and apply them regularly. For the preparation of folk remedies, available products are used. But we must remember that these methods are additional, not basic. Therefore, medical treatment is also necessary.
Jerusalem artichoke
An affordable product that is effective in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee. One and a half kilograms of leaves of this plant should be brewed with boiling water (10 liters) and left for half an hour. When the infusion has cooled down a little, you should lower the leg with the diseased joint there. You can do this procedure every day or every other day.
Honey compresses will help relieve pain and relieve swelling. To do this, lubricate the knee with honey and apply a tight bandage. It is necessary to wear it for a day, then the honey must be washed off and smeared again with a fresh product. The course of treatment is at least four days, and more is possible. You can also do honey massage - just massage your knees, smearing honey on them. The massage should last a quarter of an hour.

Another affordable product that can be used for knee treatment. You can make a compress from burdock. It is necessary to slightly crush the leaf so that the juice comes out, and then sprinkle it with vodka. Wrap the diseased joint with a film and insulate. It is necessary to keep such a compress all night. And the next day, grease a leaf of burdock with honey and make such a compress, on the third day, grease the leaf with a mass of vodka and garlic. Compresses must be alternated and treated like this for a month.
Combined ointment
For severe pain, you can use a special ointment. It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of hop cones, fresh sweet clover flowers and St. John's wort flowers. Mix with two tablespoons of Vaseline one tablespoon of the collection and grind well. Before going to bed, you need to rub the ointment into the sore joint.
Simple flowers, dandelions, can also be used. Flowers should be washed and dried. Then crush it so that the consistency is like that of sour cream. This mass must be applied to the joint and covered with polyethylene for a couple of hours. In addition, when using this remedy, significant physical activity will be required, namely, you must walk at least three thousand steps a day.

Cherry can be used inside. These berries help with arthrosis, but are contraindicated for problems with the stomach and intestines, as the fruits have a sharp and sour taste. They can irritate mucous membranes. For treatment, you need to eat a glass of cherries four times a day, each time washing it down with warm boiled milk. Treatment is long - two months.
Nettle will also help to cope with the problem. Half a glass of fresh nettle juice should be mixed with the same amount of honey and medical alcohol. All insist in a dark place for two weeks. After that, you should drink a tablespoon half an hour before meals, diluted in half a glass of water. This must be done three times a day.
Important! Any herbs and other products can be used to make healing ointments or drinks only if they are not allergic.
Recovery prognosis
Since the violation is not treated, you have to live with it. But with a timely visit to the doctor and the correct diagnosis, it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition and slow down the development of this disease. Of course, with age, the disease will progress, but if the doctor's recommendations are followed, arthrosis will develop more slowly.
It is very important to use not only medicines and ointments, but also additional methods of treatment. So charging should be carried out regularly, even after medications are canceled. Massage can be done in courses. For example, once every two months. It is very useful to regularly engage in swimming or cycling, it unloads the joint.